Monday, August 26, 2024

Maduros glaring Venezuelan election fraud could sink the Castros in Cuba

After a glaring election steal in the Cuban Castro colony of Venezuela the Castro criminal cartel is sweating an imminent collapse of their most profitable racket with their puppet Maduro.

The surveillance and informant network installed by Cuba within the Venezuelan armed forces has so far prevented military conspiracies. But “the pitcher goes to the well until it breaks.” The danger of such a rupture is greater today than ever, as circumstances have changed.

What gives Raúl and his gang nightmares is that, despite how secure Maduro seems, in the end, the pitcher might break. They wonder how they would survive if that happens, where they would get the billions of dollars they currently steal from the salaries of approximately 10,000 Cuban doctors and healthcare workers and at least another 2,000 Cuban “collaborators” embedded in the Venezuelan dictatorship, many of whom have blood on their hands.

They also have no way to secure the $1.2 billion needed to import the oil and gasoline that Maduro currently gifts to Cuba, which, according to experts, covers between 35% and 40% of the Island’s consumption.

In Algeria, an oil-rich country, according to Cuban Prisoners Defenders (CPD), the Algerian government pays $6,700 monthly for each Cuban doctor, but each doctor receives only $450 a month. Assuming that in Venezuela the scale of Castro’s theft is similar to that in Algeria, the Castro regime pockets about $900 million annually, stolen from the doctors and other Cubans stationed there. 

Read more here via babalublog Babalublog

Thursday, July 11, 2024

CCP spy operations in Cuba

Rumors of China snooping from the island have simmered for decades. The issue resurfaced in mid-2023 amid media reports of a Chinese “spy base” near Havana.

Cuba has a long history of hosting foreign espionage operations targeting the United States. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union operated its largest overseas intelligence site at the Lourdes Signals Intelligence Complex Bejucal

Satellite imagery and open-source information assessed by CSIS offers an unprecedented look at four active sites in Cuba capable of conducting electronic surveillance operations. Read more here Here